Zener diode definition is a silicon semiconductor device used especially as a voltage regulator. A diode can be defined as the fundamental electronic component that allows the flow of electricity in one direction only. A zener diode is a type of diode that permits current to flow in the forward direction like a normal diode, but also in the reverse direction if the voltage. Zener diode definition of zener diode by merriamwebster. The breakdown voltage of a zener diode can be set by controlling the doping level. Zener diode is defined as the semiconductor which is heavily doped to operate in reverse direction or in breakdown region. Zener diode is always connected in reverse direction because it is specifically designed to work in reverse direction. Cheungslide 12 diodes consistent with kvl and kcl will be. A zener diode is a silicon semiconductor device that permits current to flow in either a forward or reverse direction. A zener diode typically suffers a breakdown at a marginally lower voltage than a conventional diode does.
On a professional note, it has helped me pass 2 out of the for 4. Hbd854 zener theory and design considerations handbook. An overview of tvs diodes and applications they are used in keywords. Zener diode made specially to operate in the reverse breakdown region. To explain the theory and the underlying principle behind the functioning of an led brief history. Zener diode definition working principle characteristics. A zener diode is a type of diode that allows current to flow in the conventional manner from its anode to its cathode i. It acts as a diode, which can serve in electronics as a rectifier, logic gate, voltage regulator zener diode. Basic electronics special purpose diodes there are few diodes which are designed to serve some special purposes. What is the difference between the diode and the rectifier. Zener diode symbol zener diode circuit zener diode vi characteristics zener diode working zener diode applications faqs.
They are both devices that allow current to flow only in one direction. Basic diode electronics introduction to diodes the pn junction the pn junction is a homojunction between a ptype and an ntype semiconductor. What is a zener diode voltage reference electronics notes. Note the polarity of the circuits in the reverse biasing of the zener diode. A zener diode is a pn junction semiconductor device that is designed to operate in the reverse breakdown region. Working of the zener diode is similar to a pn junction diode in forward biased condition, but the uniqueness lies in the fact that it can also conduct when it is connected in reverse bias above its threshold breakdown voltage. The breakdown voltage of a zener diode is carefully set by controlling the doping level during.
Basic electronics notes on vi characteristics of zener diode in pdf. This document is highly rated by jee students and has been viewed 1832 times. The zener diode working principles and its various. Basic electronics special purpose diodes tutorialspoint. If a zener diode is used in forward bias, it performs as a regular diode.
Zener diode definition, vi characteristics, and breakdown in zener. As a result zener diode circuits are often used in power supplies when regulated outputs are needed. Tvs diodes, esd protection, transient voltage suppressors created date. The diode consists of a special, heavily doped pn junction, designed to conduct in the reverse direction when a certain specified voltage is reached. Zener diode circuit for psu with series transistor. The zener diode is a diode designed to operate in the breakdown region and have a specific negative voltage called the zener voltage.
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